VB 6 vBulletin 6.0.1 is available for download


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vBulletin 6.0.1 is now availabnle for Self-Hosted/Download Customers. This release contains a security fix for BB Code Rendering and it is recommended that customers upgrade as soon as possible. vBulletin Cloud customers have already been patched against this issue and will be upgraded soon.

Front End Changes​

Who Reacted​

Users can now see who reacted to a post by hovering or long-pressing the reaction. A popup will list everyone who reacted.

One-Click Unsubscribe​

Outgoing content notification emails will now contain a "One-Click Unsubscribe" link. The link will take users to a page that unsubscribes them from the topic or channel. Users subscribed to parent channels can also remove those subscriptions. If the parent channel subscriptions are left intact, they will continue to receive notifications for all descendant channels.

Who's Online Improvements​

A series of behind-the-scenes changes should improve the display of the Who's Online page. One update reduces the possibility of the presentation of duplicate sessions. Users with permission to view the IP Addresses can see the User Agent reported for the session. This additional information can help Administrators track bots more easily.

Custom Node Fields​

Individual Custom Node Fields can now be marked as required. This change will allow Administrators to require information for their custom content, such as classified ad topics. Newly required fields will only apply to new topics using that field. Existing topics will continue to function as before.

Style Updates​

Styles and Themes are updated to resolve several issues.
  • Tabs on the user profile should appear appropriately in each Theme.​
  • The Select All checkbox in topic lists has been fixed in the vB5 Style.​
  • The Dismiss All notifications button has been fixed in the vB5 Style.​
  • Various icons have been updated consistently with the overall Default Style look and feel.​

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